I am so thankful for the opportunity we had this month to focus on Pure Religion. It was really convenient to have planned activities and setups to make service easy, and I'm really thankful for all of the committees and people who took the time to make that all possible. However, the most meaningful experiences for me this month were the ones that just happened; possibly because I had a heightened awareness of the promptings of the Spirit that encouraged me to serve.
One of the ways that I served this month was by performing baptisms in the temple. My aunt had given me some family names to take to the temple months ago, and they had been sitting on my desk for all that time...just waiting to receive the ordinances. After our kickoff on March 2, I felt a very strong PUSH to go get those names done. So that Friday, I went with a couple friends in my chemistry class. As we were waiting in the temple chapel, I read the names of my ancestors on those little pink cards and thought about their lives, their stories. I also happened to be studying 3 Nephi chapter 11, where Christ introduces the baptismal ordinance to the Nephites. As I read about His doctrine, I felt the presence of my family members. I read Christ's words saying that "whoso is baptized, the same shall be saved, and they are they who shall inherit the kingdom of God." and I felt the joy of my family through a very thin veil. I knew that Grace and Marian and Elisabeth were celebrating because they had just come one step closer to Christ, through my service in temple. Brother Merrill has taught me this year that as we serve those across the veil, our bond is strengthened, and they will in turn serve us, helping us resist temptation, manage time wisely, or simply feel their love. I know that this is true.
Another way that I was able to serve this month was a couple Saturdays ago at Macey's. Our friend Alli was here from out-of-town, and since she has a car, we conveniently "used" her to get groceries. As we pulled into the parking lot, I saw a haggard man holding a sign that read "Struggling for work and food. Please help wife and kids." I was suddenly struck with the thought, "you MUST get him some food." The impression was startlingly strong and I immediately pulled out a pen and wrote it down on my shopping list, so I wouldn't forget while I was mindlessly shopping for my own groceries.
I traipsed through the store, grabbing double of the non-perishable things on my list, with some extra produce and bread. While I was putting all these extra items in my cart, I thought about how much additional, unnecessary money I was spending...how my groceries this week would cost 5.6 hours of answering phone calls in the ASB, instead of the usual 2.7, and how I was a poor college student, what I am doing trying to buy food for another family. I was thinking about all of the other things I could buy with that money, but I checked out, looked at my receipt, and then it was too late. We drove out the way we came in, and I was praying the man would still be there. And sure enough, he was! We slowed to stop and rolled down a window. I said hello and gave him the heavy bag of groceries. He said a gruff "thanks," and that was that. We drove away. But then, I felt so touched by the love the Heavenly Father had for this man, that He nudged me SO hard just to get me to think outside of myself.
When Bishop first told us about Pure Religion month, he gave us a devotional address given by Elder Don Clarke. In that talk, Elder Clarke promises a strengthening of the effectiveness of spiritual connections as we practice pure religion. I testify that I HAVE felt a stronger spiritual connection with my Heavenly Father as I look for ways to serve His other Beloved Children. I am so thankful to be part of this ward and associate with some of His choicest disciples here at BYU. I hope that we can all continue to let Pure Religion be a part of our everyday lives, and reap the blessings that are promised. I have a testimony that we will be blessed, and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
28 March 2015
15 March 2015
Just read this talk by President Monson.
When Jesus was on the earth, a lawyer asked Him a question:
“Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
“This is the first and great commandment.
“And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
“On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matthew 22:36–40).
From these scriptures we learn how important it is for us to love the Lord and our neighbors. But how do we show our love for the Lord?
Jesus answered this question when He said, “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father” (John 14:21).
Each of us should ask ourselves why we obey God’s commandments. Is it because we fear punishment? Is it because we desire the rewards for living a good life? Is it because we love God and Jesus Christ and want to serve Them?
It is better to obey the commandments because we fear punishment than not to obey them at all. But we will be much happier if we obey God because we love Him and want to obey Him. When we obey Him freely, He can bless us freely. He said, “I, the Lord, … delight to honor those who serve me in righteousness and in truth unto the end” (D&C 76:5). Obedience also helps us progress and become more like our Heavenly Father. But those who do nothing until they are commanded and then keep the commandments unwillingly lose their reward (see D&C 58:26–29).
08 March 2015
This week we were asked to focus on diligence. I was grateful for the motivation to be more diligent in my scripture study and daily prayer. Preach My Gospel says that diligence is "steady, consistent, earnest, and energetic effort in doing the Lord's work." It also encourages me to focus on the most important things and stop wasting time. I have tried very hard for many years to use my time effectively- I live by a day-planner. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed because I am not able to check every box in a day. However, I've learned this week that as I do the important things [reading scriptures, praying, writing letters of gratitude] I feel less stressed out about my mundane assignments and am able to complete them in a more timely manner. I know that this is a small blessing for being diligent in completing the small and simple things, and I am grateful that I could experience those blessing this week. I hope to remember them as I am trying to decide between good, better, and best ways to spend my time.
02 March 2015
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking about yourself less."
I believe that we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father, and each one of us are of utmost importance! However, we must remember that God is our Father and has given us everything. As we acknowledge His power and mercy, we are showing Him our love. We must be willing to submit to His will.
"Humility is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of spiritual strength."
My patriarchal blessing counsels me to be humble. It says that I must always give credit to my Heavenly Father for the gifts and blessings that I possess, for they are gifts of the Spirit that He has given to me. I am confident that I can do whatever the Lord requires of me, as long as I rely on Him. That confidence is in God (not in myself) and it enables me to do things far beyond my own capability.
Humility and gratitude bring some of the greatest happiness to my life. Bekah recently mused, "I definitely know that gratitude and happiness are inseparable. You can't be grateful and not be happy. That just is not a thing." I agree with her wholeheartedly.
I love this general conference talk given by Bishop Edgley in 2003: The Empowerment of Humility. It brought tears to my eyes as I thought of all the wonderful, humble examples in my life.
"They are consistently doing the unnoticed, the unspectacular, but humbly and righteously doing the important."It brought tears to my eyes as I thought of the ultimate example of humility- my Savior Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for the love and mercy of my Lord that allow me to become a better person. Not in my own right, but to further His work and build His Kingdom. I am thankful for the gospel in my life and the many experiences I have that humble me. Sometimes it is hard to admit that while I am in the process of being humbled, but I know that it is for my good. I am humbled to know that I am a daughter of God and He loves me so very much. With that knowledge, I hope to help other people feel His love.
23 February 2015
Patience is the Christlike attribute I focused on this week. I had to be patient with myself while studying for a difficult chemistry exam. I did not do everything in my power to prepare for the test, but time was short and I felt overwhelmed. In that moment of distress, my friend Kia saw me in the lobby and asked how I was doing. I was honest with her, and let her know that I was freaking out about my test and I didn't know what to do. She gave me uplifting advice and encouraged me to be patient with myself. Of all the things she could have told me, she chose patience- and I am so glad. It taught me a lesson of understanding. Being patient with myself helped me realize that even though I didn't spend many hours studying for the chemistry test, I used those hours in other uplifting ways. Being patient with myself helped me understand some of the ways that our Heavenly Father is patient with us.
I believe that patience helps me enjoy the little things in life. I have always told myself that I love to be busy, it gives me purpose and direction; while this is true--and I am nearly always busy--I feel the happiest when I have a chance to sit back, relax, and look around at the blessings which I have been given.
The lessons we learn from patience will cultivate our character, lift our lives, and heighten our happiness.
I believe that patience helps me enjoy the little things in life. I have always told myself that I love to be busy, it gives me purpose and direction; while this is true--and I am nearly always busy--I feel the happiest when I have a chance to sit back, relax, and look around at the blessings which I have been given.
Today in our hurried and hectic lives, we could well go back to an earlier time for the lesson taught us regarding crossing dangerous streets. “Stop, look, and listen” were the watchwords. Could we not apply them now? Stop...and look upward for heavenly help. Listen for His invitation: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
I had the opportunity to take a road trip to southern Utah this weekend. We woke up at 4:00am to begin the long drive to Zion National Park. It was pitch black when we left Provo, and slowly but surely, the sun rose in the east sky. It's been a long time since I've seen the entire sunset and it was truly glorious. I had a lot of time on Saturday, in the car and on the peak of Angels Landing, to ponder and reflect and converse with my Heavenly Father. It was a much-needed break from my "hurried and hectic life"and I am grateful for the opportunity I had to stop the busy-ness, look at the beauty around me, and listen to the promptings that God wanted me to hear. Hiking is a special time for me, to wonder at the beautiful creations which He has given us. I think of the patience that God must have as he watches his children cultivate, progress, and grow. I am thankful for the patience and mercy which He offers me. I hope as I continue to recognize His patience and love in my life, I will be able to extend it to others, and to myself.
16 February 2015
09 February 2015
In mission prep this week, we focused on the Christlike attribute of virtue. Virtue is often coupled with terms like "chastity" and "morality," but I like to think of it more as purity in every regard- in thoughts, desires, actions, service, and intent.
Proverbs 31:10-31 tells of a virtuous woman. She is a woman who deserves the trust of her husband, who works willingly, and who is considerate. She reaches to the needy, and lives with strength and honor. I want to be like this woman. I want to invite purity into every aspect of my life, and to develop and act on righteous desires. My patriarchal blessing states that I will one day fulfill my innermost desire to become a mother in Israel. To do this, I will need to continue to live a virtuous life so that I will be worthy to marry in the temple with my lucky husband.
Sister Elaine S. Dalton is one of my heroes and another perfect example of a virtuous woman. Sister Dalton counsels us to never underestimate the power of our righteous influence. I believe that living virtuously is the strength and power of daughters of God, and that influence may be felt by my children, Relief Society sisters, boyfriend, or a stranger- really anyone who I come in contact with. I want to be sure my influence is a good one- one that will bring others closer to Christ.
I was challenged in class to include virtuous goals in my conversations with Heavenly Father. He encouraged us to pray for more virtue in the mornings, and report our progress to Him at night. This is something that I want to practice for the rest of my life, because I truly felt the influence of a loving Spirit throughout my days.
I know that living virtuously will help me be a better missionary, friend, sister, daughter, wife, and mother. Even though I haven't fulfilled all of these roles yet, I can continue to prepare for the temple and for my future family by implementing these attributes in my life now- each and every day.
Proverbs 31:10-31 tells of a virtuous woman. She is a woman who deserves the trust of her husband, who works willingly, and who is considerate. She reaches to the needy, and lives with strength and honor. I want to be like this woman. I want to invite purity into every aspect of my life, and to develop and act on righteous desires. My patriarchal blessing states that I will one day fulfill my innermost desire to become a mother in Israel. To do this, I will need to continue to live a virtuous life so that I will be worthy to marry in the temple with my lucky husband.
Sister Elaine S. Dalton is one of my heroes and another perfect example of a virtuous woman. Sister Dalton counsels us to never underestimate the power of our righteous influence. I believe that living virtuously is the strength and power of daughters of God, and that influence may be felt by my children, Relief Society sisters, boyfriend, or a stranger- really anyone who I come in contact with. I want to be sure my influence is a good one- one that will bring others closer to Christ.
I was challenged in class to include virtuous goals in my conversations with Heavenly Father. He encouraged us to pray for more virtue in the mornings, and report our progress to Him at night. This is something that I want to practice for the rest of my life, because I truly felt the influence of a loving Spirit throughout my days.
I know that living virtuously will help me be a better missionary, friend, sister, daughter, wife, and mother. Even though I haven't fulfilled all of these roles yet, I can continue to prepare for the temple and for my future family by implementing these attributes in my life now- each and every day.
02 February 2015
Charity and Love
Elder Gene R. Cook said that charity is "perfect and everlasting love."
As we increasingly think and act like Him, the attributes of the natural man will slip away to be replaced by the heart and mind of Christ.This talk wonderfully defines charity and how we can implement the teachings and attitudes of Christ in our own lives.
27 January 2015
I am thankful for the opportunity to learn more about hope in Jesus Christ this week in Mission Prep. Here are some of my favorite excerpts from our latter-day prophets about hope.
A testimony of the hope of redemption is something which cannot be measured or counted. Jesus Christ is the source of that hope.
A testimony of the hope of redemption is something which cannot be measured or counted. Jesus Christ is the source of that hope.
Hope is one leg of a three-legged stool, together with faith and charity. These three stabilize our lives regardless of the rough or uneven surfaces we might encounter at the time. The scriptures are clear and certain about the importance of hope. The Apostle Paul taught that the scriptures were written to the end that we “might have hope.” 1Hope has the power to fill our lives with happiness. 2 Its absence—when this desire of our heart is delayed—can make “the heart sick.” 3Hope is a gift of the Spirit. 4 It is a hope that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the power of His Resurrection, we shall be raised unto life eternal and this because of our faith in the Savior. 5 This kind of hope is both a principle of promise as well as a commandment, 6 and, as with all commandments, we have the responsibility to make it an active part of our lives and overcome the temptation to lose hope. Hope in our Heavenly Father’s merciful plan of happiness leads to peace, 7 mercy, 8 rejoicing, 9 and gladness. 10 The hope of salvation is like a protective helmet; 11 it is the foundation of our faith 12 and an anchor to our souls. 13
20 January 2015
Faith in Christ
This week in Mission Prep I was challenged to develop my faith in Jesus Christ. This seemed like a pretty broad challenge, and now at the end of the week, I wish I had taken it more seriously. Regardless, over the last few days I have strived to pray out loud with more sincere intent to my Heavenly Father- in the name of Jesus Christ.
One of my church leaders recently told me there was a time in his life when he wasn't sure if his prayers were making it past the ceiling. This man is a spiritual giant and I look up to him immensely. It was oddly comforting to realize that if he has felt this way before, it's okay that I have felt this way before. I have said prayers all throughout my life, but it is a rare occasion when I pray aloud. I often gain comfort through prayer, but sometimes I don't know if it's because I believe that God is listening to me, or because it is just therapeutic to talk about my day and think about my missionaries and plan out what I would like to do better tomorrow in my head. Sometimes I feel foolish when I pray aloud...but this week, in striving to develop my faith in Jesus Christ, it has felt a little more natural. I have felt that God wants me to draw closer to Him. And because He wants me to, it makes me want to even more.
Because of my renewed faith in Jesus Christ, I have resolved to come unto Him in every way that I can. I am about to take a big step out of my comfort zone and come to Him in a way I never have before. I know that I need to repent of my sins, and I hope that my guilt will be swept away through his powerful Atonement. I don't think I have personally experienced the enabling power of the Atonement before. Even though it is hard and embarrassing to complete the process to get past my mortal weaknesses, I can't wait to feel the joy and freedom that is promised in the scriptures to those who repent and come unto Christ.
Developing this faith in Jesus Christ will help me become a more successful missionary, whether I'm in the field or in my home. I will be able to teach my children the joys of the Atonement through personal experience. I will be able to testify to them of the enabling power of the Atonement the way that Jakey did for me:
One of my church leaders recently told me there was a time in his life when he wasn't sure if his prayers were making it past the ceiling. This man is a spiritual giant and I look up to him immensely. It was oddly comforting to realize that if he has felt this way before, it's okay that I have felt this way before. I have said prayers all throughout my life, but it is a rare occasion when I pray aloud. I often gain comfort through prayer, but sometimes I don't know if it's because I believe that God is listening to me, or because it is just therapeutic to talk about my day and think about my missionaries and plan out what I would like to do better tomorrow in my head. Sometimes I feel foolish when I pray aloud...but this week, in striving to develop my faith in Jesus Christ, it has felt a little more natural. I have felt that God wants me to draw closer to Him. And because He wants me to, it makes me want to even more.
Because of my renewed faith in Jesus Christ, I have resolved to come unto Him in every way that I can. I am about to take a big step out of my comfort zone and come to Him in a way I never have before. I know that I need to repent of my sins, and I hope that my guilt will be swept away through his powerful Atonement. I don't think I have personally experienced the enabling power of the Atonement before. Even though it is hard and embarrassing to complete the process to get past my mortal weaknesses, I can't wait to feel the joy and freedom that is promised in the scriptures to those who repent and come unto Christ.
Developing this faith in Jesus Christ will help me become a more successful missionary, whether I'm in the field or in my home. I will be able to teach my children the joys of the Atonement through personal experience. I will be able to testify to them of the enabling power of the Atonement the way that Jakey did for me:
The Enabling power of the atonement is real. It motivates us it pushes us, and it can help us do anything that we need to do. I just wanted to share my testimony with you that Jesus Christ has made it all possible. He makes me who I am and all I have to do is let him change me. If you read in Jacob, it tells us not to try and counsel the Lord with who we think we should be, and if you then go to Isaiah 45:9 he shows us how we are clay and we need to let the master craftsman form us into the best thing that we can be. We don't know enough to mold ourselves in the person the Lord knows that we can be, we can't rely on our own knowledge, as we are taught in 2 Nephi 9:28-29. I know that when we hearken to the counsel of the Lord we will always come out better than if we try and rely on ourselves.I feel God's love for me each day through the angels He puts in my life and the blessed circumstances I find myself in. I want to return this love as best as I can. Bekah reminded me of many ways that I can show my love for Him in her Relief Society lesson last Sunday. She is one of my greatest examples of someone who loves the Lord and I'm so grateful for her close example in my life. I hope to develop my faith in Jesus Christ every day. Each new experience is an opportunity to come closer to Him, depending on the choices I make. When I let Him mold me into the person I have the potential to become, I'll be happy and He will be too.
05 January 2015
Semester Numero Dos
It's so beyond weird to think that I have completed my first semester of college. Like, I'm totally done. I never have to think about American Heritage again. I am in the groove of things and think I've got it all going on. Who are we kidding, I definitely have got it going on.

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