23 February 2015


Patience is the Christlike attribute I focused on this week. I had to be patient with myself while studying for a difficult chemistry exam. I did not do everything in my power to prepare for the test, but time was short and I felt overwhelmed. In that moment of distress, my friend Kia saw me in the lobby and asked how I was doing. I was honest with her, and let her know that I was freaking out about my test and I didn't know what to do. She gave me uplifting advice and encouraged me to be patient with myself. Of all the things she could have told me, she chose patience- and I am so glad. It taught me a lesson of understanding. Being patient with myself helped me realize that even though I didn't spend many hours studying for the chemistry test, I used those hours in other uplifting ways. Being patient with myself helped me understand some of the ways that our Heavenly Father is patient with us. 

The lessons we learn from patience will cultivate our character, lift our lives, and heighten our happiness. 

I believe that patience helps me enjoy the little things in life. I have always told myself that I love to be busy, it gives me purpose and direction; while this is true--and I am nearly always busy--I feel the happiest when I have a chance to sit back, relax, and look around at the blessings which I have been given.

Today in our hurried and hectic lives, we could well go back to an earlier time for the lesson taught us regarding crossing dangerous streets. “Stop, look, and listen” were the watchwords. Could we not apply them now? Stop...and look upward for heavenly help. Listen for His invitation: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

I had the opportunity to take a road trip to southern Utah this weekend. We woke up at 4:00am to begin the long drive to Zion National Park. It was pitch black when we left Provo, and slowly but surely, the sun rose in the east sky. It's been a long time since I've seen the entire sunset and it was truly glorious. I had a lot of time on Saturday, in the car and on the peak of Angels Landing, to ponder and reflect and converse with my Heavenly Father. It was a much-needed break from my "hurried and hectic life"and I am grateful for the opportunity I had to stop the busy-ness, look at the beauty around me, and listen to the promptings that God wanted me to hear. Hiking is a special time for me, to wonder at the beautiful creations which He has given us. I think of the patience that God must have as he watches his children cultivate, progress, and grow. I am thankful for the patience and mercy which He offers me. I hope as I continue to recognize His patience and love in my life, I will be able to extend it to others, and to myself.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this. Wise and uplifting and encouraging words.
