30 March 2014

Sunday Sonnet

A song is a prayer of the heart, they say-
Each note’s a word unspoken, sent above,
Above to Him who gives me light each day.
Through song, I feel His everlasting love.

A song is a prayer of the heart, I’m told:
Each man is an instrument in His hand.
I sing, and watch countless blessing unfold
Upon those who adore and understand.

A song is a prayer of the heart, I hear.
In song, I pray for the ultimate goal
Of helping me feel my Savior draw near:
He crosses my mind and pierces my soul.

A song is a prayer of the heart, I know!
And with each song that I sing, my heart grows.

12 March 2014

Press Forward

This year I have the opportunity to serve on our seminary council. What a timely calling! I have already learned so much about myself and my testimony. During the summer, the council searched The Book of Mormon to find a theme that could benefit Viewmont students, not only in seminary, but in every aspect of their lives. It was an eye-opening experience that taught me about the process of revelation. After much discussion, consideration, and prayer, we felt unified in our impression that 2 Nephi 31:20 is to be our theme for 2013:

I must press forward. Notice the word "must". It is not an option. I will press forward by acting on promptings of the Spirit, big or small.

With a steadfastness in Christ. I looked up steadfastness, and one definition I found is "unwavering faith". With unwavering faith in Christ. As I am making important decisions that will affect the rest of my life, I need to go forward with decisions and know that He will provide a way. I will have faith in Christ by trusting His timing.

Having a perfect brightness of hope. Faith, hope, and charity are three best friends. Faith is in Jesus Christ, hope is in His atonement, and charity is the pure love of Christ. Hope is my personal favorite part of this verse...it affects every aspect of my life. I have hope that I will survive high school, I have hope that I can grow in the gospel, and I have hope that I will have a family of my own one day. (Read my favorite talk about hope here) I will have hope by looking for the good in every situation.

And a love of God and all of men. I am a daughter of Heavenly Father, who loves me and I love Him. In fact, we are all His children and all have divine potential. President Monson counseled us to see people not as they are at present, but how they can become. I will show my love to God by following His commandments and I will love others by trying to see them through God's eyes.

Feasting upon the word of Christ. We have all known our parts of speech since elementary school...what is feasting? It's a verb. It's an active verb. In order to feast, we can implement the advice given to us in the primary song "Search, Ponder, and Pray". I will feast by putting my spiritual studies above my studies in school.

And endure to the end. Enduring is not merely surviving. It is intended to be difficult, but ultimately, refining. We have the gift of the Atonement, so we must repent. We must have the Holy Ghost with us. We must serve others and become one in our Savior. We must share the gospel with others. And we must maintain faith and hope in Christ (Elder L. Tom Perry). I will endure to the end by learning that the Lord loves and supports me in my endeavors, as long as they are His will.

And here comes the promise...

I can have eternal life.
And you can too.
Wherefore, you must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if you shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.
My capacity to love and understand the gospel is growing. My faith is growing. My seed is planted and my roots are growing deeper with each passing day. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I love my family. I want to gain a greater understanding of the Atonement. I am willing to try my faith and study to attain this knowledge...and what better way to do it than in seminary? I am so excited to study the Book of Mormon this year, and hope to be able to share it with many others.