28 March 2015

Pure Religion: Recap

I am so thankful for the opportunity we had this month to focus on Pure Religion. It was really convenient to have planned activities and setups to make service easy, and I'm really thankful for all of the committees and people who took the time to make that all possible. However, the most meaningful experiences for me this month were the ones that just happened; possibly because I had a heightened awareness of the promptings of the Spirit that encouraged me to serve.

One of the ways that I served this month was by performing baptisms in the temple. My aunt had given me some family names to take to the temple months ago, and they had been sitting on my desk for all that time...just waiting to receive the ordinances. After our kickoff on March 2, I felt a very strong PUSH to go get those names done. So that Friday, I went with a couple friends in my chemistry class. As we were waiting in the temple chapel, I read the names of my ancestors on those little pink cards and thought about their lives, their stories. I also happened to be studying 3 Nephi chapter 11, where Christ introduces the baptismal ordinance to the Nephites. As I read about His doctrine, I felt the presence of my family members. I read Christ's words saying that "whoso is baptized, the same shall be saved, and they are they who shall inherit the kingdom of God." and I felt the joy of my family through a very thin veil. I knew that Grace and Marian and Elisabeth were celebrating because they had just come one step closer to Christ, through my service in temple. Brother Merrill has taught me this year that as we serve those across the veil, our bond is strengthened, and they will in turn serve us, helping us resist temptation, manage time wisely, or simply feel their love. I know that this is true.

Another way that I was able to serve this month was a couple Saturdays ago at Macey's. Our friend Alli was here from out-of-town, and since she has a car, we conveniently "used" her to get groceries. As we pulled into the parking lot, I saw a haggard man holding a sign that read "Struggling for work and food. Please help wife and kids." I was suddenly struck with the thought, "you MUST get him some food." The impression was startlingly strong and I immediately pulled out a pen and wrote it down on my shopping list, so I wouldn't forget while I was mindlessly shopping for my own groceries. 

I traipsed through the store, grabbing double of the non-perishable things on my list, with some extra produce and bread. While I was putting all these extra items in my cart, I thought about how much additional, unnecessary money I was spending...how my groceries this week would cost 5.6 hours of answering phone calls in the ASB, instead of the usual 2.7, and how I was a poor college student, what I am doing trying to buy food for another family. I was thinking about all of the other things I could buy with that money, but I checked out, looked at my receipt, and then it was too late. We drove out the way we came in, and I was praying the man would still be there. And sure enough, he was! We slowed to stop and rolled down a window. I said hello and gave him the heavy bag of groceries. He said a gruff "thanks," and that was that. We drove away. But then, I felt so touched by the love the Heavenly Father had for this man, that He nudged me SO hard just to get me to think outside of myself. 

When Bishop first told us about Pure Religion month, he gave us a devotional address given by Elder Don Clarke. In that talk, Elder Clarke promises a strengthening of the effectiveness of spiritual connections as we practice pure religion. I testify that I HAVE felt a stronger spiritual connection with my Heavenly Father as I look for ways to serve His other Beloved Children. I am so thankful to be part of this ward and associate with some of His choicest disciples here at BYU. I hope that we can all continue to let Pure Religion be a part of our everyday lives, and reap the blessings that are promised. I have a testimony that we will be blessed, and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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