09 February 2015


In mission prep this week, we focused on the Christlike attribute of virtue. Virtue is often coupled with terms like "chastity" and "morality," but I like to think of it more as purity in every regard- in thoughts, desires, actions, service, and intent.

Proverbs 31:10-31 tells of a virtuous woman. She is a woman who deserves the trust of her husband, who works willingly, and who is considerate. She reaches to the needy, and lives with strength and honor. I want to be like this woman. I want to invite purity into every aspect of my life, and to develop and act on righteous desires. My patriarchal blessing states that I will one day fulfill my innermost desire to become a mother in Israel. To do this, I will need to continue to live a virtuous life so that I will be worthy to marry in the temple with my lucky husband.

Sister Elaine S. Dalton is one of my heroes and another perfect example of a virtuous woman. Sister Dalton counsels us to never underestimate the power of our righteous influence. I believe that living virtuously is the strength and power of daughters of God, and that influence may be felt by my children, Relief Society sisters, boyfriend, or a stranger- really anyone who I come in contact with. I want to be sure my influence is a good one- one that will bring others closer to Christ.

I was challenged in class to include virtuous goals in my conversations with Heavenly Father. He encouraged us to pray for more virtue in the mornings, and report our progress to Him at night. This is something that I want to practice for the rest of my life, because I truly felt the influence of a loving Spirit throughout my days.

I know that living virtuously will help me be a better missionary, friend, sister, daughter, wife, and mother. Even though I haven't fulfilled all of these roles yet, I can continue to prepare for the temple and for my future family by implementing these attributes in my life now- each and every day.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely girl, lovely value, lovely scriptures, lovely picture, lovely goal.
