30 November 2014

Doing vs. Becoming

I was extremely touched by this talk. My life often feels like an endless to-do list and it is difficult to see the fruits of my labors as I trudge on to the next checklist. However, Elder Oaks teaches the principle of becoming rather than doing. The gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something.  I learned from his article that to TESTIFY is to know and declare; but to be CONVERTED is to do and become. As we become disciples of Christ, it is second nature to think as He would, act as He would, and say what he would have you say. I believe the golden rule is not to treat others as they would like to be treated, but to treat others the way He would treat them. In our reading for this week, we learn in Alma chapter 12 that we are not condemned merely on our thoughts, words, and actions. If we were judged on the things that we had done, rather than the person we have become, that would be contrary to the teachings of Christ. We can all be saved through His atonement, which is available to every person who has lived on earth. It is available to all, but we must take advantage of it. Christ knew that he sacrificed in advance for some who would not utilize this great blessing, but He loves us so much that He would make that sacrifice whether we use it or not. I am so thankful for the blessing of the Atonement in my life, and the chance that it gives me to become more like the Savior throughout and despite all of my mistakes and challenges.

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