This week in Mission Prep I was challenged to develop my faith in Jesus Christ. This seemed like a pretty broad challenge, and now at the end of the week, I wish I had taken it more seriously. Regardless, over the last few days I have strived to pray out loud with more sincere intent to my Heavenly Father- in the name of Jesus Christ.
One of my church leaders recently told me there was a time in his life when he wasn't sure if his prayers were making it past the ceiling. This man is a spiritual giant and I look up to him immensely. It was oddly comforting to realize that if he has felt this way before, it's okay that I have felt this way before. I have said prayers all throughout my life, but it is a rare occasion when I pray aloud. I often gain comfort through prayer, but sometimes I don't know if it's because I believe that God is listening to me, or because it is just therapeutic to talk about my day and think about my missionaries and plan out what I would like to do better tomorrow in my head. Sometimes I feel foolish when I pray aloud...but this week, in striving to develop my faith in Jesus Christ, it has felt a little more natural. I have felt that God wants me to draw closer to Him. And because He wants me to, it makes me want to even more.

Because of my renewed faith in Jesus Christ, I have resolved to come unto Him in every way that I can. I am about to take a big step out of my comfort zone and come to Him in a way I never have before. I know that I need to repent of my sins, and I hope that my guilt will be swept away through his powerful Atonement. I don't think I have personally experienced the enabling power of the Atonement before. Even though it is hard and embarrassing to complete the process to get past my mortal weaknesses, I can't wait to feel the joy and freedom that is promised in the scriptures to those who repent and come unto Christ.
Developing this faith in Jesus Christ will help me become a more successful missionary, whether I'm in the field or in my home. I will be able to teach my children the joys of the Atonement through personal experience. I will be able to testify to them of the enabling power of the Atonement the way that Jakey did for me:
The Enabling power of the atonement is real. It motivates us it pushes us, and it can help us do anything that we need to do. I just wanted to share my testimony with you that Jesus Christ has made it all possible. He makes me who I am and all I have to do is let him change me. If you read in Jacob, it tells us not to try and counsel the Lord with who we think we should be, and if you then go to Isaiah 45:9 he shows us how we are clay and we need to let the master craftsman form us into the best thing that we can be. We don't know enough to mold ourselves in the person the Lord knows that we can be, we can't rely on our own knowledge, as we are taught in 2 Nephi 9:28-29. I know that when we hearken to the counsel of the Lord we will always come out better than if we try and rely on ourselves.
I feel God's love for me each day through the angels He puts in my life and the blessed circumstances I find myself in. I want to return this love as best as I can. Bekah reminded me of many ways that I can show my love for Him in her Relief Society lesson last Sunday. She is one of my greatest examples of someone who loves the Lord and I'm so grateful for her close example in my life. I hope to develop my faith in Jesus Christ every day. Each new experience is an opportunity to come closer to Him, depending on the choices I make. When I let Him mold me into the person I have the potential to become, I'll be happy and He will be too.