I came across this video today, by way of a good friend. Definitely needed it. Lately I have been so caught up in my own life that I haven't made time for others, including the Savior. I know inside that this is a time when I especially need Him. So I need to come unto Him and to start, I am making a couple little goals for myself.
Finish Personal Progress before December 15.
Read my scriptures, diligently, each day. Including the assigned reading for seminary.
And a less tangible goal...put my entire trust in the Lord. Come unto Him.
Moroni 10:32 tells me to "come unto Christ, and be perfected in him". Jesus was humble, obedient, kind, courageous, submissive, selfless, and full of love. He was a healer, teacher, and a servant. I NEED to exhibit these traits to the best of my ability. So here goes.
There are a lot of big things happening in my life right now...who am I kidding. There will always be big things happening in my life. However, right now I am making decisions that will affect my life for years, perhaps eternity, to come. I have been pretty selfish to this point, and spent a lot of time thinking Wo is me. My goal is to consciously think about the needs of other people before mine. I hope that will help me come unto Him in being selfless, kind, humble, and full of love.
I have so much more to say. My hope is that recording these thoughts will encourage me to do them, even though nobody reads this. It's out there for me.
Today I am changing, and I will not have to do it again. I will have faith in the Lord and come unto Him. Sometimes it is not seemingly convenient, but it is always worth it. Always. I know that, but it's different this time because now I am going to DO IT. I know it and I love it, but here and now: I live it.